Your Unique Integrated Holistic Treatment Program
To be truly healthy is to have every part of you aligned in harmony. Achieving optimal health is therefore a holistic endeavour. Too often, the experience of healthcare is fragmented, uncoordinated and even contradictory. Even if you stumble upon therapies that help, true integration and coordination of treatment can remain elusive.
The Sanctuary was created to explore and demonstrate how a truly holistic approach to healthcare can be accomplished.
We bring you back to health and wellbeing using a range of treatments and therapies with a team of exceptional practitioners and consultants who all work together with you one-to-one in the most integrated and effective manner possible.
Key features of your program
All elements of your program are conducted on a one-to-one basis. Just you and your therapists. No groups. This is proven to be the most effective form of therapy, inducing deep and long lasting healing;
We draw on a range of therapies and treatments from the best medical, allied and complementary health perspectives. These include general and specialist medicine, psychotherapy, physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, fitness, nutrition and various other therapies as determined by the clinical team. Everything is integrated to ensure the treatment approach is coordinated and unified.
You are assigned your own team of therapists and personal support staff for your stay. Typically this team includes 12-15 therapists and personal staff including carers, doctors, nurses, psychotherapists, physiotherapists, massage therapists, yoga teachers, acupuncturists, and any other therapies deemed necessary for inclusion in your unique program.
Your program at The Sanctuary is finalised only after practitioners have spent time with you. Your treatment plan is only made once the therapeutic team has thoroughly assessed your needs and determined what will work best for you in the given time frame.
Your program is dynamic and flexible. Ancillary and support staff liaise daily with each other and the therapeutic team to share their observations and experiences and to provide feedback to practitioners. This enables the program to respond daily to your shifting needs, allowing the flexibility necessary to promote maximum growth and recovery.
Nutrition and a healthy diet is a focus of your program as we believe this to be crucial for increased wellbeing. You will have your own personal chef who will ensure all cuisine prepared is specifically created for your dietary requirements and recovery needs without compromising on flavour, quality or presentation. Natural supplements, including vitamins and minerals, are also offered where required.
Daily therapies are offered with a range of fully qualified, experienced and registered practitioners. Daily therapies are most conducive to the development of deeper therapeutic relationships, whereby practitioners are more able to develop a comprehensive assessment of your needs, in the least time and with greater depth.
Daily Exercise & Physical Fitness. Your emotional and physical wellbeing are connected, and we aim to improve your physical fitness through sustained exercise, body work and physical movement. We provide a wide range of physical training options including resistance and cardiovascular training, martial arts, controlled stretching and a range of sporting activities to suit your interests.
Reconnecting and developing your Creativity & Passion. In addition to our clinical program, we encourage you to engage in your surroundings and discover greater meaning in your life. We encourage outdoor excursions and activities to rekindle your appreciation of being part of a living, sustaining environment, and we support your participation in activities that promote creativity and focus, such as dance, art, martial arts and music.
You will never be lonely or isolated while in program. Your therapy is delivered one-to-one, however you still enjoy the support, mentorship and company of a carefully selected 24 hour support team including practitioners, carers and chefs.
Privacy, comfort and luxury - your sanctuary. For the duration of your program you will enjoy your own private and luxurious residence appropriately styled to your specifications, with all that is required for a comfortable and healing stay. We want you to feel nurtured and supported in every possible way.
Family Participation. We recognise the important role family members and significant others can play in helping you maintain a healthy lifestyle. For that reason, family or significant others are invited to participate in some aspects of your program where therapeutically beneficial and if/when requested by you.
Sample Daily Schedule
Every day is generally different at The Sanctuary Byron Bay, as we vary the components of your program to respond to your changing needs and improving health. Your program is unique to you and shaped by your treatment team, but the following example gives you an idea of how a day might be structured.
8:00am Wake up and take a walk along the beach
8:30am Breakfast
9:00am Yoga/meditation session
10:30am Acupuncture
11:30am Relaxation time (eg: massage or meditation)
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Psychotherapy
2:30pm Personal Training
4:00pm Self Nurture time
6:30pm Dinner
7:30pm Watch television, read a book, engage in art project etc
10.00pm Bedtime
You may request additional activities or personal services - a specialist check up for example, or a manicure/pedicure. Perhaps a round of golf or a game of tennis? You are always free to submit requests for specific activities or therapies, and as long as your requests are approved by the treatment team, we can arrange variations to your program easily.
Your personal carers and chefs will take care of all your domestic needs. All property management will be undertaken by Sanctuary staff, as will all cleaning.