Following your initial enquiry, a formal phone consultation may be scheduled with a senior clinician.
During this consultation, a more detailed assessment of your situation will be undertaken, and you will be given more specific program details and options. You will also be informed as to what outcomes might be achieved in certain time frames.
Any proposed program will be tailored to fit with your particular schedule and optimised to ensure your goals are achievable throughout your stay.
Members of your family or any significant others can also be invited to participate in some aspects of your program, but only where necessary and only on your approval. We may also discuss and assess any need for aftercare following your return home.
Following your assessment, you are welcome to take as much time as you need to consider and discuss your options with any of your current treating practitioners, your family, significant others and/or your friends.
You are under no obligation to proceed but when and if you wish to, all you need to do is call, and all the necessary preparations for a smooth and stress-free arrival will be made.
If you choose to proceed, and with your permission, we will also liaise with any of your current treating practitioners to better understand your treatment history and needs prior to your arrival.